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The Poitevin marsh

The Marais Poitevin: A Natural Treasure Near Camping La Siesta

Just a few kilometers from Camping La Siesta, located in La Faute-sur-Mer, is the Marais Poitevin, one of the most beautiful wetlands in Europe. This vast territory, often called the "Green Venice" because of its countless canals and lush vegetation, offers a unique experience of discovery and relaxation in the heart of nature. Whether you are a fan of boat trips, passionate about ornithology or simply a nature lover, the Marais Poitevin is an essential excursion during your stay at Camping La Siesta.

Remarkable Ecological Diversity

The Marais Poitevin extends over nearly 100,000 hectares, including wetlands, meadows, forests and marshes. This diversity of landscapes makes it a privileged habitat for exceptional fauna and flora.

1. Wildlife: The Marais Poitevin is a paradise for ornithologists. Many species of birds can be seen here, including herons, storks, egrets and kingfishers. Mammals are not left out with species such as the otter and the coypu which inhabit the canals and banks.

2. Flora: The wet meadows of the Marais Poitevin are home to a wide variety of plants, including some rare and protected species. Willows and ash trees, often used for hedgerows, as well as reed beds, add to the plant richness of this region.


Activities and Leisure in Marais Poitevin

The Marais Poitevin offers numerous activities for visitors, allowing them to discover its enchanting landscapes in a fun and environmentally friendly way.

1. Boat trips: The most traditional and picturesque way to discover the Marais Poitevin is undoubtedly a boat trip. Piers offer guided or independent boat trips. Gliding silently on the canals, under the plant arches, allows you to appreciate the serenity and beauty of the place.

2. Hiking and Cycling: Well-marked hiking and cycling trails cross the marsh, providing varied routes for walkers and cyclists. These routes allow you to discover the richness of the marsh while respecting its fragile ecosystem.

3. Wildlife Observation: Observation towers and lookouts are set up to allow visitors to observe birds and other animals in their natural habitat. Naturalist guides also offer thematic outings to deepen your knowledge of the biodiversity of the marsh.


A Cultural and Historical Heritage

The Marais Poitevin is not only a natural jewel, it is also a territory rich in history and traditions.

1. The Villages of the Marais: The charming villages of the Marais Poitevin, such as Coulon, Arçais or Maillezais, are essential stops. With their typical houses, Romanesque churches and local markets, they offer a glimpse of traditional life in the marsh.

2. Abbeys and Historical Monuments: The region is dotted with historical monuments, notably abbeys like that of Maillezais, which bear witness to the region's rich religious and cultural past. These sites offer guided tours and exhibits on the history of the marsh and its inhabitants.


A Commitment to Environmental Protection

The Marais Poitevin has been classified as a Regional Natural Park since 1979, a status which underlines its ecological importance and its need for protection. Continuing efforts are being made to preserve the biodiversity and landscapes of the marsh, while promoting sustainable and respectful tourism.

1. Awareness and Education: Awareness programs and interpretation centers, such as the Maison du Marais Poitevin, inform visitors about environmental issues and good practices to adopt to protect this unique ecosystem.

2. Sustainable Management: Managing water levels, protecting species and promoting environmentally friendly agricultural practices are at the heart of the actions carried out to ensure the sustainability of the marsh.



Near Camping La Siesta, the Marais Poitevin is a destination of choice for nature lovers and those curious to discover an exceptional environment. Between boat trips, hikes, wildlife observation and discovery of local heritage, each visitor will find something to marvel at and recharge their batteries. Don't miss the opportunity to discover this natural treasure during your stay in La Faute-sur-Mer.


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