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the Belle Henriette Nature Reserve - Camping La Siesta | La Faute sur Mer

The Belle Henriette Nature Reserve: An Ecological Treasure in La Faute-sur-Mer

Located opposite the La Siesta campsite in La Faute-sur-Mer, the Belle Henriette Nature Reserve is an ecological jewel of the French Atlantic coast. This protected site extends over more than 337 hectares, encompassing a lagoon, marshes and dunes, providing a valuable refuge for rich and varied biodiversity. The reserve is an essential place for nature lovers, ornithologists and hikers in search of tranquility and enchanting landscapes.


A Unique Ecosystem

The Belle Henriette Nature Reserve is characterized by a mosaic of natural habitats, each sheltering specific flora and fauna. The lagoon, fed by the tides, creates a favorable environment for many aquatic and coastal species. Marshes and wet meadows are essential nesting areas for several bird species, while coastal dunes provide unique habitat for plants adapted to sand and salt conditions.

This diversity of habitats allows Belle Henriette to support remarkable wildlife. Iconic species include the Pied Avocet, Gray Heron and Marsh Harrier. Amphibians and reptiles, such as the marbled newt and the viper snake, also find refuge in the wetlands of the reserve.



Activities and Discovery

The Belle Henriette Nature Reserve is accessible to the public, with marked trails that allow you to explore its different landscapes while minimizing the impact on the environment. Information panels line the trails, offering visitors insights into the local ecosystem, the species present and current conservation efforts.

For ornithologists, the reserve is a true paradise. The discreet observation posts and watchtowers offer privileged vantage points for observing birds without disturbing them. Photography enthusiasts will also find plenty of opportunities to capture the natural beauty of the area.

Guided tours are organized regularly, allowing you to better understand the ecological issues of the reserve and the actions put in place to protect this fragile environment. These visits are a unique opportunity to learn from passionate naturalists and discover the secrets of Belle Henriette.



Conservation and Protection

Management of the Belle Henriette Nature Reserve is carried out by several conservation organizations, with a common objective of preserving and restoring natural habitats. Management efforts include monitoring bird populations, combating invasive species and restoring degraded natural environments.

Conservation actions are supported by regular scientific research, allowing a better understanding of the ecological dynamics of the reserve and adjusting management strategies accordingly. Public awareness and education are also key aspects, aiming to promote responsible and environmentally friendly tourism.




The Belle Henriette Nature Reserve is a remarkable example of the ecological wealth of La Faute-sur-Mer. By providing a refuge for varied biodiversity and allowing the public to discover the beauty of its landscapes, it plays a crucial role in protecting the natural environment. Opposite the La Siesta campsite, this nature reserve is an invitation to discovery and wonder, reminding us of the importance of preserving our natural treasures for future generations. Whether you are a nature enthusiast, a hiker or simply looking for serenity, Belle Henriette will charm you with its beauty and tranquility.

Localisation : the Belle Henriette Nature Reserve

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